How cutting edge technology makes the familiar better
I’m amused by the different answers I get when I ask people what certain terms mean to them. One example is “cutting edge” technology which is a term often used interchangeably with “state of the art” technology. So what does it mean to me? Let me take an extreme position (which I’m sure will elici

Creative Concept: The Invisible Bicycle Helmet Blends Science and Human Nature
Want a creative concept? How about an invisible bicycle helmet? It may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, but two Swedish graduate students, Terese Alstin and Anna Haupt, have made it happen. The idea started with the students’ shared love of biking and similar aversion to wearing breeze-bl

Will there be any new technology innovation at CES?
It’s that time of year when companies prepare to show off their latest technology innovation at the show to end all shows – CES (Consumer Electronics Show). Given the changes in my role at HP, I thought I was going to be able to dodge going. Instead, I will be attending CES this year as […]

There Really is a Killer Question Card Deck ….
As a result of the twitter feed of killer questions, I’ve received a number of emails asking about the background on the killer questions. Since it seems like of a topic of interest, I thought I would give you some insight into how they came about …