These essays cover my speeches over the years. Some will have videos or audio attached. I have spoken about innovation, product development, technology trends, and leadership. My speeches focus on helping to inspire others to think differently and imagine the future. Each speech gives valuable insights into my career, thoughts, and experiences. I hope these essays give readers a richer understanding of me and my work.
My TEDx Talk: Do you have Impostor Syndrome … too?
What happens when you share the secret that has been feeding your impostor syndrome for more than 25 years? In this TEDx talk, I share a secret that I kept hidden for 25 years and the result of that secret being revealed on the front page of a national newspaper. Through this journey, I was forced [

Be Willing To Be Weird
Below is the video and transcript for my commencement speech at ITU last month. The topic of the speech was on the entanglement of fear, failure and conformity. To be successful, we all must be willing to be weird. Be different. Use our creativity to win in the emerging creative economy. Note: The f

Comptel Keynote: The Secrets to Innovation
Last Monday, I delivered the opening keynote to the Comptel 2012 show in San Francisco. The aim of the keynote was to share with the audience the secrets to innovation and how they could take advantage of them in their firms. Topics included: 5 Elements of Innovation (Innovation Attitude, Curiosity,

Video of the book launch event at the Computer History Museum
Last Thursday I had the great pleasure of being the guest of John Hollar at the Computer History Museum for an hour-long discussion on my book Beyond the Obvious. This was the book launch event that kicked off the book tour. One of the greatest challenges of writing the book was eliminating so much

I got deep fried by these guys during an interview on the topic of innovation
A few weeks past, I was interviewed by the hosts of the Deep Fried Bytes Podcast (Keith & Woody) on the topic of innovation. The discussion covered everything from how anyone can learn innovation to the role innovation plays in your career. Keith and Woody also drill me about the book, Beyond The O

The CES Hype Machine Was As Full Speed
Last week we saw the CES hype machines operating at full speed. Ahead of the show, I posted a column over at Forbes on my prediction for the most over-hyped innovations for CES 2012. After a few days at CES, I found three innovations that I felt have future potential (none of these innovations are

Stop talking about innovation and instead get innovating.
I recently gave a speech at the annual PDS Conference (Milwaukee, WI) on the topic of Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy. In the speech, I challenged the audience (CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders) that every group within an organization needed to take ownership of the innovation

Ignore The Obvious speech on Innovation at Argyle Executive Forum (slides)
This morning I gave a keynote at the Argyle Executive Forum event in NYC. The title of the talk was “Ignore The Obvious” covering a wide range of areas to help the audience better understand and use innovation as a competitive advantage: Doing the obvious is what everyone expects Doing the obvious

CIO’s have to take the strategic lead for their organization
Rich Karlgaard, Publisher of Forbes, and I had a recent discussion on the changing role of the CIO. When I was a CIO at a public company (Teligent), my role was clearly defined by my boss at the time, Alex Mandl. One of Alex’s first guidelines he gave me was to make sure his name […]

What is the role of the CTO?
I was recently interviewed by Rich Karlgaard, Publisher of Forbes on the role of the CTO and how it balances the near term needs of the organization while also making sure that there is a robust pipeline of ideas to meet the future needs of customers. Rich also gets me to talk about what devices […