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The Final Key to Innovation: Understanding the Law of Execution

Innovation can sometimes seem totally intangible. It’s easy enough to come up with an idea that you believe will change the world, or at least your industry. It is putting that idea into action that becomes another ballgame. Developing an actual product or service that can be sold or put into practi

The Final Key to Innovation: Understanding the Law of Execution
Members Public

How Micromanagement Can Be the Death of Your BHAG

When you have started your own business and built it from the ground up, it’s normal to have a certain attachment to it and to feel like micromanagement is the only way to ensure things get done. After all, you know your company inside and out. You have a vision for it. You care about […]

How Micromanagement Can Be the Death of Your BHAG
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Understanding the Law of Process and Its Impact on Innovation

Innovation. It’s how humankind has moved forward. It’s how civilizations have moved forward. And it’s the key to moving businesses, of any industry, forward. But the search for that key will be futile without following a clear process. That’s why I’ve listed the Law of Process as one of the 7 Immuta

Understanding the Law of Process and Its Impact on Innovation
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The Big Mistake: Failing to Support With Proper innovation Resources

If you want to build a company that is a leader in innovation, creativity, and change within your industry, you need to have the proper innovation resources to power it. Money, people, equipment, and time are all critical parts of the innovation cycle. Without them, you will never learn what your bu

The Big Mistake: Failing to Support With Proper innovation Resources
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3 Actions To Improve Your Creative Thinking

I recently was listening to an audio program by Earl Nightingale. He was making the point that the opposite of bravery is not cowardice; the opposite of bravery is conformity. It was one of those simple statements that struck a nerve especially when thinking about creative thinking. Conformity In my

creative thinking
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The Top 5 Skills Every Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) Needs

.Innovate or die—it’s a common refrain, and more and more organizations are taking it to heart and proactively pursuing innovation programs rather than waiting for innovation to happen. As a result, it’s becoming more and more common for businesses to have someone in their ranks with the title of ch

Chief Innovation Officer CINO Skills
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What Is The Silicon Valley Secret Sauce For Innovation Success?

There’s plenty of advice out there about how to make it in Silicon Valley. Some things are required for innovation success anywhere in the world, but the valley is a special place with different rules. As someone who’s spent a lot of time there, I think there are a few important elements to Silicon

Silicon Valley Secret Suace
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8 Tips for Dealing with Rejection

As an entrepreneur and innovator, you’re bound to face rejection in your career. No matter what you do, rejection is part of life—whether it’s the job you didn’t get, the college that didn’t accept you, or the girl that you asked out and didn’t give you the response you were hoping for. It’s a neces

Rejection and how to handle it
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If You Want To Innovate Then Avoid The Herd: Groupthink Leads to Bad Decisions

Research on small groups has found that people in groups tend to “like” people who are most like them. They establish norms or limits to behavior to make sure similarity and harmony are nurtured or even enforced. This normal group behavior (the effects of groupthink) can turn into a problem because

Define groupthink group think
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Neurodiversity and Innovation: The Benefits of Hiring Employees Who Break the Mold

Today, a diverse workplace is not only common, it’s a requirement. While racial and gender diversity are givens, there’s also an important new frontier: neurodiversity. A neurodiverse workplace provides new talent opportunities for those previously deemed unemployable, and it provides workplaces wit

neurodiversity creativity and innovation