Stop talking about innovation and instead get innovating.
I recently gave a speech at the annual PDS Conference (Milwaukee, WI) on the topic of Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy. In the speech, I challenged the audience (CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders) that every group within an organization needed to take ownership of the innovation

CIO’s have to take the strategic lead for their organization
Rich Karlgaard, Publisher of Forbes, and I had a recent discussion on the changing role of the CIO. When I was a CIO at a public company (Teligent), my role was clearly defined by my boss at the time, Alex Mandl. One of Alex’s first guidelines he gave me was to make sure his name […]

CIO’s Role In Innovation – Stirring Up Creativity At The Core (Video)
Many believe that the CIO’s role is to keep the IT “lights” on. Given the I’m a former CIO, I understand and appreciate the challenges of the CIO job. Below is the link to a video of some of my thoughts on how IT and the CIO can play a key role in driving the innovation agenda within their organizat