innovation failure
5 Innovation Failures That Changed the World
On some level, we are all afraid of failure. It’s a natural instinct to want to succeed, to be proud of your work, and to brag about your accomplishments at class reunions rather than being reminded of our failures. Each life must come to a little failure. Your project may tank in the 11th hour. […]

Could Your Innovation Failure Be Innovation Progress?
Is innovation failure a contradiction? Innovation leaders and analysts say no. Venture Capitalist and Forbes writer Henry Doss observes that “…failure is a feature of highly innovative organizations….[T]here is a strong correlation between failure and innovation.” According to Doss, in a culture whi

Are you afraid of innovation?
What is an innophobic? It is a person who is so afraid of innovation that they won’t even try. Have you ever noticed that when someone asks you to do something that you’ve never tried before; you immediately start hearing voices in our head trying to convince you that you can’t do it? It happens [