Pay It Forward
Imagining a Better Future: Keys to Human Progress
Playing it safe will lead to the decay of human progress. The way to a great future is through innovation and creativity. This may sound like something from the dawn of time, but it has never been more true in today’s world. Innovation and creativity are at the heart of our economic recovery, our en

Paying It Forward With Random Acts of Kindness
I began my tech career in a factory in Evansville, IN as the sole “geek” living in a condemned (yes—condemned) apartment building for $50.00 a month with my wife, who was finishing her nursing degree. How things have changed from that humble beginning. When I look back on my career and where it has

A Job Worth Doing…
I looked up and saw that look of disappointment. My 8-year-old self was staring into the face of my father. I had badgered him for weeks to let me cut the grass to earn the same allowance my older brother got for the same chore. My early activism in equal pay for equal work. His […]

My TEDx Talk: Do you have Impostor Syndrome … too?
What happens when you share the secret that has been feeding your impostor syndrome for more than 25 years? In this TEDx talk, I share a secret that I kept hidden for 25 years and the result of that secret being revealed on the front page of a national newspaper. Through this journey, I was forced [

Be Willing To Be Weird
Below is the video and transcript for my commencement speech at ITU last month. The topic of the speech was on the entanglement of fear, failure and conformity. To be successful, we all must be willing to be weird. Be different. Use our creativity to win in the emerging creative economy. Note: The f

What are the innovations emerging from Africa?
I don’t know (yet) what innovations are emerging from Africa but as part of the Pay-It-Forward Project, we will be spending the holidays in Africa (Rwanda specifically). We will arrive in Africa on December 14th and return to Colorado on January 3rd (just in time for CES) – with regular updates/pho

Beyond The Obvious is named Top 10 Business Book …. in Austria!
Yesterday I got an email from my publisher (Hyperion) with an attachment When I opened the attachment, I saw that Beyond The Obvious had been named #8 on the Top 10 Business Book in Austria! Thanks to all the readers in Austria! Note: Through Dec 31st, 100% of the author royalties from my book

Gratitude as a business strategy
Given that today is the Thanksgiving holiday here in the states, I was reflecting back on the past year and compiling a list of everything that I’m thankful for. I find as I get older, the list gets longer. As I was scanning some of my favorite blogs this morning, I stumbled across an article […]

Help Create The 12 Killer Questions To Innovate US Education
I’ve been asked (more like challenged) to create a dozen or so killer questions that could be used by teachers, schools, districts, state education agencies, federal agencies, etc. to help innovate the educational system in the US. I took up the challenge as a “pay it forward” project to help the

Yes, I am a Eagle Scout (Forbes video) . . .
During a previous interview session I did with Kym McNicholas at Forbes, I mentioned that we had to be done at a specific time as I had to take my Boy Scout Troop on a campout that weekend.