small business
Small Business Ideas That Went Big
Everyone has to start somewhere and this is often true with a small business. Starting off with small business ideas doesn’t have to stay small, however. There are many that can grow into giants. In today’s world of small business, we can take inspiration from those who took a little idea and turned

What is the role of government to encourage small business innovation?
Since the beginning of time, it’s been entrepreneurs that drive the creation of innovation. True breakthroughs have been the result of an individual or small team who had an idea and the determination to see it through to fruition. In many cases, ignoring the advice of friends and the lack of what

Small Businesses Will Be Key For The Economic Recovery
I’m an eternal optimist when it comes to the ability of people to create innovations – especially when we find ourselves at our greatest need. This drive to solve problems is a prime catalyst for entrepreneurs who are the ones behind small businesses. So are entrepreneurs better at innovating than