Pitch Timing and Selling Your Idea
Making Your Pitch Keep the pitch simple, and build it around the Guy Kawasaki Rule of 10/20/30: 10 slides, 20 minutes, nothing smaller than 30-point font. Remember that you are telling a story; you want a spokesperson who can bring the idea to life and get people excited. Practice pitching the idea

8 Tips for Dealing with Rejection
As an entrepreneur and innovator, you’re bound to face rejection in your career. No matter what you do, rejection is part of life—whether it’s the job you didn’t get, the college that didn’t accept you, or the girl that you asked out and didn’t give you the response you were hoping for. It’s a neces

The Recipe for Innovation Success
Success in innovation isn’t going to happen overnight, nor does it happen as a matter of chance. There’s nothing preordained about successful innovation. There are a number of factors that can contribute to the ultimate success or failure of your latest idea, but the basic formula that I’ve learned