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Too Big to Fail? Think Again

It is dangerous to believe that an organization is immune to failure because of its size. Historical evidence proves that size and market dominance are no safeguards against failure. Success is earned by adaptability, innovation, and a relentless commitment to meeting changing demands.

Too Big to Fail? Think Again
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The Myth of Scarcity: The Endless Supply of Ideas

It's time to shift our mindset from win/lose to win/win. The unlimited potential of ideas and innovation allows us all to succeed without taking away from others. The limit to our success is the limitation of our imagination.

The Myth of Scarcity: The Endless Supply of Ideas
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(Preparing For) A Failure of Imagination

With organizational failures, the imagination is often at fault. We can’t imagine things going wrong, so we don’t plan for them. Organizations can’t imagine that their employees would do something unethical, so they don’t have policies in place to prevent it. Owners can’t imagine that a natural disa

dropping thru as a result of a failure of imagination
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Innovation in Education: What’s Old and What’s New

The world our kids will need to compete in is radically different from the world ten years ago. The old adage about education that “what was good enough for you when you were a kid is good enough for today” gives comfort and justification that everything is fine. Everything is not fine. Our schools

failure in education to teach creativity and innovation
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Be Willing To Be Weird

Below is the video and transcript for my commencement speech at ITU last month. The topic of the speech was on the entanglement of fear, failure and conformity. To be successful, we all must be willing to be weird. Be different. Use our creativity to win in the emerging creative economy. Note: The f

Be Willing To Be Weird
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Impatient Innovators: 5 Hurried Innovations That Failed

Being told to “have patience” can be a major buzzkill in pursuing potentially innovative ideas. Nobody wants to hear that they’ll need to wait to see their innovations take hold and achieve success. Businesses have a schedule and a budget. They have investors and stakeholders. The pressure to apply

Impatient Innovators: 5 Hurried Innovations That Failed
Members Public

Leadership Failures and the Innovation Lessons Learned

Individuals in a position of leadership have a heavy weight of responsibility on their shoulders, particularly when it comes to the innovation process. Breaking the laws of innovation can cause the entire process to crumble. Learning from the leadership failures of others can offer some insight into

Leadership Failures and the Innovation Lessons Learned
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How To Create Resilient Innovation Processes That Don’t Fail When Stressed

It’s times of stress that really test the strength or weakness of your organization. During stressful times, you learn what the people in your organization are made of—but also whether the systems, functions, and processes you’ve put in place are resilient to withstand the crises that inevitably com

resilient innovation that doesn't break
Members Public

What Can Children Teach Us About Creativity?

Some adults tend to think that creativity is something you are born with. But, the truth is we are all creative. If your creativity seems to be at a stand still, I invite you to think about what we can learn about creativity by observing children. I just came back from our vacation with our […]

creativity creative children
Members Public

Is the fear of failure killing your creativity and hindering your success?

If you look at any of your favorite creative projects, you will see a polished gem staring you in the face.  And this is where most people stop.  The final product is so amazing that it intimidates them.  Fear and doubt paralyze their minds, their thoughts become jumbled.  And they forget the most i

fear of failure