Be Brave To Innovate
Did you know the opposite of bravery is not cowardice? The opposite of bravery is conformity. Doing everything the same way that everybody else does it, being like everybody else, thinking the same way everybody else does. Conformity is the “safe” approach which actually puts us at more risk. It tak

To Innovate You Need To Question Your Assumptions
Every year I travel around the world giving workshops and motivational talks on innovation. I enjoy doing this; I’m a naturally curious person, and there’s always something interesting to observe and learn from these speaking dates. Often I’ll walk into an auditorium full of people wondering if they

Innovation by Design: When Bad Designs Lead To Failed Innovations
Innovation is a process. It’s not just an idea that turns into a revolutionary product and changes the world. It takes work, trial and error, and most of all, design. Design can be the difference between a product, service, or experience that alters the way people live, and something that is forgott

10 Ways to Unleash Your Creativity Today
If you want to make your business as innovative as possible, you need lots of creativity and ingenuity. But how do you harness these qualities? Many people struggle to come up with creative new ideas or to think in untraditional ways. Here are some clear and actionable techniques to unleash your cre

The Final Key to Innovation: Understanding the Law of Execution
Innovation can sometimes seem totally intangible. It’s easy enough to come up with an idea that you believe will change the world, or at least your industry. It is putting that idea into action that becomes another ballgame. Developing an actual product or service that can be sold or put into practi

Incorporating The Law Of Patience Into Your Innovation Culture
Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at the Law of Patience and how either succeeding or failing to implement this important law can impact innovation success. We’ve seen that, all too often, people in business equate patience with negligence. In their minds, patience is the opposite of what’s need

What Innovation Resources Are Needed to Thrive?
You can’t make a return if there’s no investment of resources. This is true of every business venture, and it is even more true when it comes to innovation. But innovation isn’t easy. It can tempt for many businesses to focus on innovation and instead encourage steady, incremental growth, which is l

If You Want To Innovate Then Avoid The Herd: Groupthink Leads to Bad Decisions
Research on small groups has found that people in groups tend to “like” people who are most like them. They establish norms or limits to behavior to make sure similarity and harmony are nurtured or even enforced. This normal group behavior (the effects of groupthink) can turn into a problem because

The Recipe for Innovation Success
Success in innovation isn’t going to happen overnight, nor does it happen as a matter of chance. There’s nothing preordained about successful innovation. There are a number of factors that can contribute to the ultimate success or failure of your latest idea, but the basic formula that I’ve learned

Simple invention solves annoying problem in the game of golf
We all have pet-peeves, those small things that annoy us or seem unnecessarily complicated. What if instead of letting your aggravation build up, you used obnoxious things in life to inspire you to create, innovate and strategize? Event for something like the game of golf. That’s exactly what Aran