Are You Playing The Innovation Long Game? An HP Story.
It’s a question that all businesses must ask themselves at some point: are we playing the innovation long game or have we settled for the quarterly short-term metric of innovation success? What does it take to stay engaged in an era when trend shifts happen with dizzying speed, and new technologies

Government Funding: Does It Help Or Hurt Innovation?
Governments around the world are beginning to see just how much the everyday citizen, the small business owner, or a startup can change the world. They understand that it is no longer just the Walmarts and BPs of every industry that have a significant impact on the economy. Innovators can pop up out

Innovation Leadership Is Not For The Faint Of Heart
When considering innovation in your business or creative life, it’s easy to get so caught up in the fuzzy, catch-phrase-laden mentality that you forget the nuts and bolts of bringing true change to your work. But innovation leadership is more than just feel-good slogans and extra meetings with focus

6 Ways To Measure Innovation Success That Every Company Should Put In Place
Over the years, I’ve tried every combination of metrics to measure the impact on an organization from their investment in innovation. Below are the 6 metrics that I found most useful to measure innovation success. My advice is to use them as a set and don’t cherry pick one or two. % of Revenue Spen

The 7 Immutable Laws of Innovation – Follow them or risk the consequences
. ? Over the years of being in the innovation space, I’ve discovered a set of laws by trial and error. I have the scars from the school of hard knocks to validate that these 7 laws of innovation are critical for innovation success. If you violate any one of them, the consequences can be […]

Here Is The Metric That Can Predict Future Innovation Value
How do you measure the productivity of your innovation investment? The goal of any R&D organization is to conceive, develop and deliver product and/or services that customers will highly value and therefore be willing to pay a margin premium. The challenge is that the standard metric for innovation