How To Use First Principles Thinking To Innovate
Thinking is one of the essential skills a person must learn. It allows us to decide, solve problems, and come up with new ideas. And yet, many people never learn how to do it properly. The history of thinking goes back centuries. The ancient Greeks were some of the first people to think about thinki

Are You Playing The Innovation Long Game? An HP Story.
It’s a question that all businesses must ask themselves at some point: are we playing the innovation long game or have we settled for the quarterly short-term metric of innovation success? What does it take to stay engaged in an era when trend shifts happen with dizzying speed, and new technologies

The Power of Human Ingenuity
“What are you going to do about it?” My grandmother was chastising me for whining about how life wasn’t fair – or some other perceived injustice. What could I do about it! I was only a kid. It’s someone else’s job to fix it! Or at least I thought so. Instead of letting me pass […]

I Have a Question…
“Dad – what’s that?” My daughter, 4 or 5, was in her car seat as we were running errands. She grew impatient with my delay in answering her question. “That!” she said as she pointed out her window at the curb. “It’s called a curb,” I explained. “What’s it made of?” “Cement.” “What’s cement?” I […]

Your objective is to sell your product. Your customers objective is to solve a problem.
Once a product has sold, it’s pretty much out of your control. You may have an idea why people will buy it, and what they’ll do with it, but the most you can ever do is guess. So why are you assuming that you know what your customer actually likes and values about your product, […]

Can The Right Questions Unlock Your Creative Process?
All of us could use a little creativity in our life. Regardless of what you do for a living, at some point in your work you will have to develop a creative process to move your business forward. Of course, unless you specifically identify as a creative person, you may feel intimidated by the whole