We don’t have time for innovation, we need a solution now!
I’m amazed at how many executives will put off investing time and energy in innovation until they are faced with a crisis. Then they run around lamenting the fact that the innovation funnel is empty. Why are they surprised? They clearly understand that you need to invest in sales resources (people

I'm amazed at how many executives will put off investing time and energy in innovation until they are faced with a crisis. Then they run around lamenting the fact that the innovation funnel is empty. Why are they surprised? They clearly understand that you need to invest in sales resources (people, time, advertising, PR, etc) to get sales. Then why is it so hard to understand that you need to do the same for innovation? What you put in is what you get out …
Is there some kind of mental block that comes with success? From my experience, executives tend to become more conservative as they become more successful. They want to keep doing what they are doing and not take on any risk. Let's face it, innovation is all about risk.
The future success of organizations depends on innovation so dedicate the resources to keep the innovation funnel full.
Phil McKinney
As an innovation leader, we are in the constant, never ending battle of convincing others that there is a better way to think about innovation. The future success of our organizations depends on it. So dedicate the time and energy to keep the innovation funnel full.
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