Scanning Tunnel: Creating one that works
Can a scanning tunnel change the nature of a business? For example, as I’ve mentioned a few times now, I’m not a huge fan of putting too much emphasis on ROI in the innovation process. However, there are businesses and industries where trying to downplay ROI in the ranking process would create resis

The Killer Question Mentality
One of the most interesting aspects of how Kroger uses the Killer Questions is that they’ve worked to implement a Killer Question mentality. The employees understand that a Killer Question is about learning/seeing/considering something you wouldn’t have learned/seen/considered otherwise. They incorp

Customizing Beyond The Obvious
I don’t know what your needs are. I don’t know what drove you to pick up Beyond The Obvious, read it, and (hopefully) work through the exercises. It’s possible you weren’t completely sure of your needs at the beginning of the book either. However, you should now have a sense of how you can use […]

Video of the book launch event at the Computer History Museum
Last Thursday I had the great pleasure of being the guest of John Hollar at the Computer History Museum for an hour-long discussion on my book Beyond the Obvious. This was the book launch event that kicked off the book tour. One of the greatest challenges of writing the book was eliminating so much