technology innovation
Government Innovations: Past, Present, and Future
The world is moving forward. Some countries get left behind, while some move ahead. The deciding factor is not which country has the most intelligent residents. There has, in fact, been example after example of people of all different nationalities creating impactful innovations. The deciding factor

Innovation Culture: What Does it Mean and Why Does it Matter?
Innovation doesn’t happen on its own. If you truly want to innovate throughout your company, you must create a cultural innovation that encourages cooperation, rewards creativity, and fosters a positive working style that creates more opportunities for every individual. Culture is one of the 7 Immut

Innovation in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities
While for centuries, Africa has been seen as the “dark continent,” it is quickly becoming a hotbed of innovation, and smart investors are taking notice. Many challenges remain, but it’s safe to say that the seed of innovation in Africa has been planted. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ag

Fuel for your design inspiration
Back in my architecture days, I would collect photo’s, rip pages out of architecture magazines and collect trinkets that provided the design inspiration I needed to complete the class projects. Since then, I’ve kept it up but moved from the physical to the virtual not to mention going from architec

Will there be any new technology innovation at CES?
It’s that time of year when companies prepare to show off their latest technology innovation at the show to end all shows – CES (Consumer Electronics Show). Given the changes in my role at HP, I thought I was going to be able to dodge going. Instead, I will be attending CES this year as […]

Shrek’s law of innovation means blockbuster movies
As a trustee of the Computer History Museum and having worked closely with Jeffrey Katzenberg (CEO) and Ed Leonard (CTO) of DreamWorks Animation, I was asked to be the moderator for an event titled “The Technology of Animation”. I got to play Jay Leno for ~90 minutes and interview them in front of

8 Conditions of Technology Development
I was recently going through some old files and notebooks and came across a paper I wrote during my sophomore year in college (Spring 1980). The paper was for a course on the history of technology that I titled, Conditions of Technology Development. The professor, who happened to be the Assistant

Are we suffering from innovation overload?
These days we are under a constant barrage of innovative solutions to every possible problem we may have. Each of these innovations is the result of some team that has been chartered to come up with something that will sell. The objective for these innovation teams need to more than just any run o