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Your Attitude Will Predict Your Innovation Success

When it comes to being part of a team that is tasked with creating killer innovations, there will be people coming out of the woodwork to criticize what you are doing.  Your attitude can and will determine your innovation success.  When I look back on innovation programs that I’ve been involved with

Phil McKinney
Phil McKinney
1 min read
Your Attitude Will Predict Your Innovation Success

When it comes to being part of a team that is tasked with creating killer innovations, there will be people coming out of the woodwork to criticize what you are doing.  Your attitude can and will determine your innovation success.  When I look back on innovation programs that I've been involved with, those that had leaders with a positive, optimistic and enthusiastic attitudes where 10x more likely to be successful.  Some of you may discount this observation with the belief that other factors played a role in their success.  It didn't matter if the projects was large/complex or small/incremental, attitude of the leader was a key factor in its success.

Now its natural for all of us to get down given the challenge of innovating an idea – not to mention the constant fighting against organisation entropy and the innovation antibodies.  That constant push back against anything new can make you feel like your bashing your head against the wall.  Your are not alone.  We've all been there.

Don't fall into trap of letting outside forces dictate and/or change your attitude.  Its the one thing that you can and should control.  If you don't, your life will be miserable and in all likelihood, your innovation efforts will fail.

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill
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Phil McKinney is an innovator, podcaster, author, and speaker. He is the retired CTO of HP. Phil's book, Beyond The Obvious, shares his expertise and lessons learned on innovation and creativity.


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